Electrical calibration with individual logistics concept
Testo Industrial Services GmbH calibrates all of the electrical devices from different manufacturers and takes over the complete logistic handling at all Austro Control locations in Austria.
Around the clock, 365 days a year, Austro Control ensures safe, punctual and environmentally friendly air traffic. Every year, air traffic controllers safely and efficiently guide over one million aircraft movements through the airspace. Austro Control is not only responsible for air traffic control, but also for a number of other tasks such as meteorological services and the certification and inspection of aircraft. Accurate and reliable equipment is essential. As a full-service provider, Testo Industrial Services is a reliable and competent partner for calibration, test equipment management and the associated logistics.
Your advantage: Our competence
- Calibration of electrical equipment in accredited laboratories
- Very short lead time
- Organisation of repair and adjustment
- Planning of the complete logistic process
- Collection and delivery service incl. transport container
- Insurance cover for the equipment up to EUR 1 million
- All calibration certificates in paper form and online in PRIMAS online as pdf
- Test equipment management via PRIMAS online
More about our services

Our measured variables
we calibrate almost all measurands, with over 300 accredited calibration procedures.

PRIMAS online
Internet based test equipment management software for securing test equipment requirements

Service portfolio
Your partner for calibration, test equipment management, qualification and validation