In our FAQ section you will find answers to many of your questions on topics related to your order, your contact persons, our portfolio, the repair process and our PRIMAS test equipment management system as well as quality-related topics.
- Do you only calibrate Testo devices?
- Which test equipment can you calibrate?
- Can Testo Industrial Services perform cleanroom measurements and qualifications?
- Does Testo Industrial Services perform mapping for refrigerators/freezers or warehouses?
- Which calibrations can be performed on site (ISO/factory calibration & DAkkS accredited calibration)?
- What is the difference between Testo Industrial Services GmbH and Testo SE & Co. KGaA?
- How do I send in a piece of test equipment?
- I have not received an order confirmation. Has my test equipment arrived?
- How do I get information about the current processing status of the calibration?
- Is an express calibration possible?
- What is the difference between a estimate (KV) & repair estimate (RV)?
- How do I find the status of my packages (tracking)?
- I need an authorization at PRIMAS online.
- I need another access to PRIMAS online.
- I need a new password/user at PRIMAS online.
- How do I find the calibration certificate for my test equipment?
- How do I get the reference certificates from Testo Industrial Services GmbH?
- Is there a help center for PRIMAS online?
- How do you ensure that your employees are competent for the service in question?
- Is it possible to visit your calibration laboratories (customer audit)?
- Are there any references for your calibration, qualification and validation services?
- When is a calibration record audit-proof?
- Is Testo Industrial Services GmbH certified according to ISO 9001?