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Test equipment management with PRIMAS

We manage and monitor your test equipment with our holistic test equipment management solution PRIMAS to ensure your test equipment requirements and compliance with all current standards and guidelines.

PRIMAS - The full-service concept

Various guidelines stipulate that reliable test equipment monitoring and test equipment management is essential in companies. Therefore, the external assignment of any test equipment management is a matter of trust. With the holistic test equipment management solution “PRIMAS” from Testo Industrial Services, you are on the safe side.  

PRIMAS provides you with a full-service concept based on partnership-based cooperation between you, Testo Industrial Services, suppliers and logistics partners: This is where the calibration of your measuring instruments and documentation management interlock. The integration of our logistics concept and simplified organization, including the right IT solution for you, round off the comprehensive test equipment management solution.

Your advantage: Our competence

  • Audit-proof: meets the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001, ISO 10012 and IATF 16949.
  • Full service concept: comprehensive and time-saving
  • Individual process adaptations
  • Direct contact person (for all topics)
  • Ideal for your company structure, multilingual and suitable for all locations.
  • Suitable IT solutions for your company's requirements: whether interface to your own system or our (validation-capable) system
Overview of different IT-solutions for PRIMAS

Our test equipment management IT solutions

With our test equipment management IT solutions, you can manage and monitor your test and measuring equipment quickly and easily. We offer different solutions to suit every requirement in your company. Whether web-based access to test equipment data, interfaces to external CAQ systems or validated test equipment management systems, we ensure your quality requirements with our holistic test equipment management. Compare our four IT solutions and find the best one for your needs.

Compare IT solution now

Test Equipment Management IT Solutions PRIMAS online and mobile

PRIMAS online & mobile

Internet based test equipment management system PRIMAS - also for on the road.

Test Equipment Management IT Solution PRIMAS connect

PRIMAS connect

Your web service for automated data queries

Test Equipment Management IT Solution PRIMAS exchange

PRIMAS exchange

Automated data exchange between your MES/CAQ system and your calibration service provider

Test Equipment Management IT Solution PRIMAS validated

PRIMAS validated

The validated test equipment management solution for GxP-regulated areas

Know-how Testo Industrial Services GmbH


Our know-how summarised for you: In our Knowledge-Centre you will find useful know-how from our experts in the field of measuring instrument management and calibration.  

To read

We give you an overview of the requirements of various standards and guidelines as well as helpful tips and instructions for the implementation and realisation of your calibration requirements and the associated test equipment monitoring.