Certificate download
In our PRIMAS online test equipment management system, your calibration certificates are available online as pdf files without additional software installation.
Certificate Download
For the purpose of quality assurance, you have access to your data at any time and from anywhere via www.primasonline.com. With the help of the certificate download, you can also trace the traceability of the measuring equipment to international or national standards.
Just a few steps to your paperless calibration certificates:
Access without PRIMAS online login data
To download your calibration certificates free of charge, please open www.primasonline.de in your browser.
Click on "Certificate download" in the menu or under "More links".
In the following field you will be asked to enter the certificate number and the equipment number of the measuring device whose certificate you need. The certificate and equipment number can be found on the test equipment label.
After you have entered the equipment number and the certificate number, click on "Download certificate". Then you can decide whether you want to open or save the certificate.
💡TIP: Register free of charge with PRIMAS online and benefit from the advantages of our test equipment management system. Manage your test equipment and master data in one system, without software installation and audit-proof.
Access with PRIMAS online login data
Log in at www.primasonline.com with your customer access data. Click on Certificate Download in the menu.
You have the possibility to enter the certificate number and the equipment number of the measuring instrument whose certificate you need.
If you only have the order or delivery note number, you can also enter only this in the field and directly download all certificates of the order as a ZIP file.
Another advantage is the direct jump to the order file. There you can download all order documents as well as all certificates.
Our test equipment management IT solutions

PRIMAS online & mobile
Internet based test equipment management system PRIMAS - also for on the road.

PRIMAS connect
Your web service for automated data queries

PRIMAS exchange
Automated data exchange between your MES/CAQ system and your calibration service provider

PRIMAS validated
The validated gauge management solution for GxP-regulated areas