Industrial Services you can carry out your calibrations independent of time and location. With a calibrator you are able to calibrate your measuring instruments yourself. This allows you to check whether your [...] portable calibration system for manufacturer independent humidity calibration of your measuring instruments. The large measuring chamber with a diameter of Ø 160 mm enables the parallel calibration of up [...] Thermator II Huminator II Pneumator Calibration equipment Whether in the laboratory, in your factories or on site, with the portable calibrators for temperature, humidity and pressure from Testo Industrial
block calibrators Calibration in tube furnaces Calibration on surfaces (contact and non-contact) Calibration in temperature/air conditioning cabinets Calibration in liquid baths In the calibration by comparison [...] e sensor Temperature calibration options Basically, a distinction is made between two calibration methods for temperature calibration: Calibration at fixed points and calibration by comparison measurement [...] possibilities for calibrating test/measurement equipment and instruments traceable to the ITS 90: Calibration at fixed points Calibration in liquid (circulation or calibration) baths Calibration in metal block
mapping for refrigerators/freezers or warehouses? Which calibrations can be performed on site (ISO/factory calibration & DAkkS accredited calibration)? What is the difference between Testo Industrial Services [...] it possible to visit your calibration laboratories (customer audit)? Are there any references for your calibration, qualification and validation services? When is a calibration record audit-proof? Is Testo [...] management system as well as quality-related topics. Portfolio Do you only calibrate Testo devices? Which test equipment can you calibrate? Can Testo Industrial Services perform cleanroom measurements and qu
ISO/factory calibration Accredited calibration (DAkkS) Carrying out adjustments and installing software updates On-site and laboratory calibrations More about our services On-site calibration Mobile technicians [...] Testo Industrial Services, measuring systems can be calibrated to the highest quality standards. The exclusive partnership guarantees accredited calibrations with international quality standards and short downtimes [...] for a calibration service provider for the IM-6020/IM-6020 measurement scanners, which were new at the time. With simple means, such as DAkkS-traced glass scales, we began to develop a calibration concept
accredited calibrations and exceptions for traceable ISO/factory calibrations are addressed. Contents: External laboratories - externally commissioned calibrations Traceable ISO/factory calibrations Conclusion [...] the subject of calibration. In this technical article you will get an overview of the changes and requirements due to the new standard IATF 16949:2016. The topics of external calibration, admissibility
When is a calibration record audit-proof? A calibration record is usually a kind of "reduced" calibration certificate that does not contain all the information that a detailed calibration certificate [...] possible to visit your calibration laboratories (customer audit)? Are there any references for your services in the areas of calibration, qualification and validation? When is a calibration record audit-proof [...] right team for an assignment at your site. Is it possible to visit your calibration laboratories (customer audit)? Our calibration laboratories can be visited and we also carry out customer audits for you
On-site calibration at several european locations Testo Industrial Services performs on-site calibrations at all of the european production facilities and R&D departments for the Weidmüller Group. This [...] right calibration service provider, test equipment management can be so easy. Olaf Despang Responsible for test equipment management Weidmüller Group Your advantage: Our competence On-site calibration in [...] services On-site calibration Mobile technicians and engineers are on duty for you throughout Europe PRIMAS exchange Automated data exchange between your MES/CAQ system and your calibration service provider
perform proficiency testing of calibration laboratories. Accreditation certificates of our calibration laboratories Location Germany We perform DAkkS-accredited calibrations according to DIN EN ISO/IEC [...] accredited calibrations according to NF EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017. You can find our accredited calibration procedures here: COFRAC-accreditation Location UK In the UK, we perform UKAS accredited calibrations according [...] 14001:2015 and ISO 50001:2011 Accreditation as calibration laboratory The Europe-wide calibration laboratories of Testo Industrial Services have an accreditation according to ISO/IEC 17025:2017. This unique scope
field of analytical calibration The knowledge page Analytics answers your questions about analytical calibration. You will receive detailed information on gas analysis and calibration of your flue gas measuring [...] conductivity meters calibrated? What is meant by a pH measurement? How are pH meters calibrated? What does TPM mean? And which measuring principle applies here? How are frying oil testers calibrated? Why is calibration [...] occur. How are flue gas measuring instruments calibrated? Flue gas measuring instruments are calibrated with the aid of reference gases in the calibration gas test stand. Here, the flue gas measuring devices
distinguished for pressure calibration? How is the calibration of torque spanners and torque transducers carried out? How is the angle of rotation calibrated? How is force calibration carried out? What are [...] preloads depend on the selected calibration sequence (A / B / C). Possibilities of pressure calibration? The following measuring systems are preferably used for the calibration of pressure measuring instruments: [...] necessary accuracy for the calibration of reference standards can be achieved. How is the calibration of torque spanners and torque transducers carried out? For the calibration of torque spanners, mostly
Electrical calibration with individual logistics concept Testo Industrial Services GmbH calibrates all of the electrical devices from different manufacturers and takes over the complete logistic handling [...] million All calibration certificates in paper form and online in PRIMAS online as pdf Test equipment management via PRIMAS online More about our services Our measured variables we calibrate almost all [...] 300 accredited calibration procedures. PRIMAS online Internet based test equipment management software for securing test equipment requirements Service portfolio Your partner for calibration, test equipment
MES/CAQ system and your calibration service provider. The data required for calibration is transferred to Testo Industrial Services via an individual interface. After the calibration, the updated test equipment [...] Testo Industrial Services, a calibration order is entered in SAP/PRIMAS. The test equipment data as well as the calibration order are passed on to the respective calibration laboratories with this step [...] equipment data including the calibration data and the calibration certificate are automatically returned to you and directly integrated into your system. This two-way data exchange via PRIMAS exchange has